For practice in speaking english we should be study more about that. Such as : Writing, reading, speaking, and use english daily. Honestly... I'm Indonesian and i can't speak english like native speaker. I knew the reason. What ?. Because, i haven't accustomed to spoken english daily. Many people said that we will get forced while we are in the majority of countries that use English as a langguage. It is true, i think. Why ?. Because, when we were there, we will faced anything about english, english, and english. Such as : English television, english radio broadcast, english newspaper, and we must speak english to others people in around us. It seems probably not when we choosen speaking the other langguage, Why ?. Because we were in a country where use english as daily conversation.
I think it's enough for this day about my experience. It will be continued my friend. :)
Photo/picture source : Google Search Engine
1 komentar:
practice makes perfect! watch english tv shows and read english books
by then you'll get more accustomed in listening and speaking english
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